Choosing to train Jiu Jitsu will be one of the best choices you could ever make in your life. You are not only going to make new friends that have a common interest, but you will also gain a family in the process. Just a warning though that at some point, people will more than likely think that you are addicted to BJJ. What are some of the signs of a BJJ addict?

The first thing you will notice is that instead of trying to meet up with friends on a Friday night for drinks, you will be at the gym because you would rather be perfecting your technique.  You may also find yourself up at the gym getting in a few rounds of training on your lunch break. When you are around other people that do not train, the conversation will always get steered toward speaking about BJJ.

Your news feed on Social Media will be filled with updates from training sessions, tournament results, or videos on the most recent techniques. Your Facebook feed will not be the only thing filling up because so will your closet and dressers. If you are anything like me, you will end up picking up a shirt at every tournament or seminar you attend. It is also not uncommon for the BJJ addict to own more Gi’s then they could possibly wear in one month!

When on a vacation, you will try to find local schools that have times and days that allow you to sneak away for just a bit. Getting a little extra mat time, learning new techniques, and possibly making some new friends will more than likely be a priority to you.

As you become more involved with Jiu Jitsu, the Internet is filled with resources that will aid you on your journey. Being able to watch live tournaments or ones from the past with just a simple click of the mouse will elevate your game. Before you know it, all your normal TV shows will be replaced with Jiu Jitsu videos and fighting events. 

In all honesty, there are worse things to be “addicted” to. This addiction gets you into shape, teaches you self-defense, and builds your self-confidence.  So there really is no need to fret, just get on the mats and train!