How to work with injury

How to work with injury

Training Jiu Jiutsu is taxing on the body, if you train for any length of time you will no doubt be injured at some point. Perhaps you do not sustain a major injury, but it is quite possible that you will have aches and pains. Being that injury is part of Jiu Jitsu,...

Why Corvo Martial Arts

Corvo Martial Arts is a locally owned company, what that means is we are dedicated to improving our community thru Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai. We aim to help the community by teaching self defense, improving self confidence and helping our members reach their...
The Addiction of BJJ

The Addiction of BJJ

Choosing to train Jiu Jitsu will be one of the best choices you could ever make in your life. You are not only going to make new friends that have a common interest, but you will also gain a family in the process. Just a warning though that at some point, people will more than likely think that you are addicted to BJJ. What are some of the signs of a BJJ addict?…

What to Focus on While Training

When you decide to take your first Jiu Jitsu class, you may have some questions about what you should be focusing on. There is a lot to learn, but try not to let yourself get overwhelmed.  Don’t get wrapped up in trying to learn the newest submission that you recently...

What to Carry in a Gym Bag

Let’s face it, life can get pretty hectic sometimes.  Between work, school, and family life; it can be hard finding time to train.  Preparing in advance for anything always helps alleviate the chaos; the gym is no different. You can prepare for the gym by packing your...
Top reasons to start jiu Jitsu

Top reasons to start jiu Jitsu

Try something new: Let’s face it, people don’t like change. However change is good for us to get out of the rhythm of life. Jiu Jitsu is the perfect thing to change your life, it will allow you to grow as a person and accomplish your goal. Every lesson learned in Jiu...