Training Jiu Jiutsu is taxing on the body, if you train for any length of time you will no doubt be injured at some point. Perhaps you do not sustain a major injury, but it is quite possible that you will have aches and pains. Being that injury is part of Jiu Jitsu, so is training thru injury. Recognizing what injury you have is the first step to figure out how potentially long it will take to recover is the first key.

Many practitioners will realize they have become injured but continue to train directly after the injury occurs. This can happen because they are unsure of how injured they really are. Competitors will continue to train thru injury in order to not miss out on proper preparation. Part of the “team” mentality is to always help your team, this sometimes mean not being 100% healthy. If you choose to continue to train while injured keep in mind that it is very likely you will sustain an injury that might require more time off and potentially surgery. This can also cause your teammate to not train properly and even injure themselves by preventing injury on you.
If you think or know that you have sustained a major injury go directly to the emergency room, don’t take a chance. Maybe your injury is not as major; consider scheduling an appointment with a Chiropractor, Massage Therapist or Physical Therapist. Physical Therapists can specialize in a wide variety of health and wellness. Active Release stretching can help your body to recover and even improve your flexibility. Another form of Physical Therapy is Dry Needling also known as myofascial trigger point dry needling. It involves the use of either solid filiform needles or hollow-core hypodermic needles for therapy of muscle pain, including pain related to myofacial pain syndrome. Dry needling is sometimes also known as intramuscular stimulation.

In order to prevent injury it is always a great idea to stretch before and after training session. Additional ways to maintain your body include using a foam roller, Lacrosse ball, and compression bands just to name a few. Whether you are an avid competitor or just in it to learn a skill, visit a traditional gym a few days a week to grow and maintain strength, run to improve cardio and visit a Yoga studio to improve core strength. Proper diet and amount of sleep is required to maintain and prevent injury not only in Jiu Jitsu, but all walks of life.

If you sustain an injury during training take into account everything listed about. Ask yourself is it worth the hassle, time off and the potential amount of money you will spend in the long run.