1. Try something new: Let’s face it, people don’t like change. However change is good for us to get out of the rhythm of life. Jiu Jitsu is the perfect thing to change your life, it will allow you to grow as a person and accomplish your goal. Every lesson learned in Jiu Jitsu can be applied in your daily life. Lessons such as how to deal with adversity and how to learn from your mistakes.
  2. Get into shape: We all set those goal at the beginning of the year to lose a few extra pounds but halfway thru the year we stop going to the gym as often. What if every time you went to work out it didn’t feel like work and was fun? Not to say that Jiu Jitsu isn’t work but it is fun and you will definitely notice those pounds shedding away when training just three days a week.
  3. Meet new people: Maybe you need a change of people in your life, your friends are negative or maybe you don’t have many friends at all. Jiu Jitsu is full of people from all walks of life and they all share one common goal of wanting to work together and support each other in getting better each day. I can’t tell you how many times people walk into a gym shy and timid and three months later they are ac completely different person with goals. Sharing the mat with someone is a bond that will last a lifetime.
  4. Gain Self Confidence: Self Confidence is something that is gained from training any martial art and is very beneficial and can carry over into our day-to-day life. By training in Jiu Jitsu you will learn how to deal with adversity from all of great rolls and mat time. Seeing a move for the first time you may not feel confident in yourself to complete it but with hours of training you will slowing start to perfect the technique.
  5. Learn Self-Defense: Jiu Jitsu was originally created by Carlos and Helio Gracie as a martial art for self-defense’ for the smaller person to defeat the larger person with technique and not strength. Jiu Jitsu is the only martial art that you can always train as hard as you want and not sustain an injury, this makes it the most particle martial art for self-defense. It is a great martial art for children as young and 6 years old to learn particle techniques to defend themselves.
  6. Travel: Although most people don’t start training Jiu Jitsu to travel it does open the opportunity to do so, with the opportunity to compete at multiple high level tournaments a month all across the world. Many Jiu Jitsu schools have affiliates in other states and even other countries and once you start meeting the people that train at those locations you build friendships. Those friendships will allow you to find someone with common interest in almost every major city you travel to.
  7. To Gain Humility:  One thing that is certain is you will get tapped out but being able to accept that and learn from it is key. This allows the Jiu Jitsu practitioner to gain humility and become a better person in all aspects of life. Being able to keep coming back even though you know that higher belt is going to continue to submit you.
  8. To meet the professionals/your heroes: Granted when you start training unless you have been following Jiu Jitsu closely you may not know anyone outside of the Gracie family. Once you get the BJJ bug, which I know you will, you might find yourself looking up matches on YouTube. The highest level athletes in this sport are easiest to have access to because they are always at the tournaments coaching students or friends. The athletes are always traveling and doing seminars that everyone is welcome to attend. What other sport allows you to have access to the top level like BJJ?
  9. To be in a positive environment: Maybe you have gone thru a recent break-up or moved to a new city and you don’t know anyone. Why not join a BJJ gym? You will get to meet some amazing new people who rarely go out on Friday nights since they have training the next morning; they will also have strict diets they follow if they are competitors. It is a common saying it BJJ that “Jiu Jitsu saved my life” and this is true for so many who saw themselves going down a negative path. Jiu Jitsu provided them with the ability to change so many things about themselves and set goal they are actually able to accomplish.
  10. To Relieve work stress: Have you ever had one of those days where things didn’t go so well at work? Nothing will help relieve that stress better than getting on the mats and choking out some of your close friends. Jiu Jitsu will help you channel that frustration into something positive while giving you an outlet.
  11. More fun than a regular gym: Going to a standard gym has its benefits but that same routine can become stale. When you join a Jiu Jitsu gym every training session is exciting because you will not only be burning calories but learning some amazing technique. No more waiting on a certain piece of workout equipment because someone is busy updating their Facebook status.
  12. It’s amazingly addictive