When you decide to take your first Jiu Jitsu class, you may have some questions about what you should be focusing on. There is a lot to learn, but try not to let yourself get overwhelmed.  Don’t get wrapped up in trying to learn the newest submission that you recently saw on YouTube, just focus on the fundamentals. Ask many questions to your instructor and if possible take a few private lessons.

The fundamentals of Jiu Jitsu are very important because this is building your foundation for the rest of your training. Learning to properly hip-escape is key to all movements in Jiu Jitsu.  This will play a big roll in learning to move on the mat.  As a beginner, you should try to focus on learning proper grips, illegal moves for your belt and gym etiquette.

When training for the first few months, I see so many beginners using strength because they are compensating for lack of skill and technique.  During this stage, try to focus on your technique with no strength.  This will ensure that you are learning properly and protecting yourself and training partners from serious injury.

As a white belt, try to focus on your defense before you start asking questions on how to perform a Berimbolo or other high level technique. Learn to place you hands and feet in the proper position.  Learn to use proper grips while training.  As you become a more seasoned white belt, the positions will come easier to you.

Do not focus on things out of your control like when you will get promoted. Jiu Jitsu is a lifestyle and when the time is right, your instructor will promote you.